Prevention is better than cure
We have experienced and are still experiencing upheaval in our lives. This pause of our usual and routine functioning was the occasion of a major questioning. We already felt a problem in the way of approaching things; During the 2 months of the first confinement, we have every day, week and weekend, held a telephone call to manage emergencies, we were requisitioned once a week to carry out guards during the crisis at our office . The observation was there: many of the requests that we had could have been avoided.
During our studies, we were trained to take care of teeth, but not not to not take care of them ... While the best dental care we can do is the one we will never have to do. We have made a radical change in our care.
The whole firm is now trained in this new philosophy. We no longer want to be mouth firefighters and put out fires when cavities, abscesses appear, or when teeth break. We must provide a real response to each person who gives us their trust, by offering them full support. For us, this will now involve a personalized prevention program on both the caries risk and the periodontal risk (the gum, bone and ligament that support the tooth).
This pandemic considerably complicating our traditional care, we make this decision all the more easily. The use of burs, turbines, handpieces, ultrasound to descale, must be done with protective equipment, and is followed by disinfection and aeration time that will no longer allow us to treat as much as before, despite the multiplication of the working hours of our teams, and the perpetual increase in our workforce. And we are convinced that if you come to the office without having to deal with these usual office tools, you will be all the more happy to come ...
From now on, if when you come for a first appointment, or during your regular check-up, we have at least one cavity, tartar, or a sign of gingival inflammation, this personalized prevention plan will be systematically offered to you. We will of course continue to offer you, according to your needs, our entire therapeutic panel. Prevention will now be at the heart of all the treatment plans we submit to you, in order to ensure the sustainability of the treatments carried out and to keep your teeth healthy for a long time.
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.
What does a personalized prevention program consist of?
During your visit, a treatment plan was established. To carry it out, we offer you this prevention program in order to have an optimized brushing technique and personalize your interdental cleaning to go from 30-40% of brushed tooth surfaces to 95%.
The objective is to stabilize your dental health to prevent it from deteriorating, and so that the care and treatment, which we will provide you in the office, is as durable as possible.
In addition, studies show that simple scaling is ineffective if it is not followed by brushing well conducted and very frequent. This program, along with the assessment of your caries risk and your periodontal risk, will advise you as precisely as possible, depending on your problems (cavities, loosening, wear, etc.).
In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.